Q: Do you offer payment plans?

A: We are happy to help you with a payment plan if you are in need. Please email hello@revampretreats.com and we can set something up!

Q: Does Revamp help arrange flights? And airport transportation?

A: We can absolutely help you find the best flight options. We will look at price, travel duration and arrival/departure times. Airport transportation is also arranged for our groups. Once you reserve your spot, you can be sure that we will help you arrange all of the details.

Q: What does the retreat schedule look like?

A: While each retreat is unique, we generally have morning and evening practice with yoga, meditation classes and various workshops and talks. During the day, we plan excursions, community service trips and time to relax or explore! Although there are tons of offerings during your experience, everything is fully optional and we want you to do what feels best.

Q: Do you need a special visa to attend a retreat in a different country?

A: You will not need a visa for our retreats (unless listed), and you will need a passport to travel internationally. Please make sure to check your passport's expiration date (3-6 months validity is required for most countries) and that you have blank pages for stamps. If you need an updated passport, there are expedited services available. Let us know if you have any questions regarding this area specifically.

Q: What is travel like during this time?

A: We have been running smooth and amazing retreats during this time! Although each country has different restrictions, we are bringing people to locations where we feel very safe and where requirements are minimal. We will always be there to support you through the entire process so you can travel with ease and confidence.

Q: What if I fly in early or stay after the retreat?

A: If you want to extend your trip, we are more than happy to assist you in creating your next adventure. If your goal is to stay for an extended period of time, you may need to research visas for the specific location you wish to travel to. If you let us know your plans ahead of time, we can assist.

Q: What will the food be like? Will you be able to cater to dietary restrictions?

A: We cater to all dietary restrictions (gluten free, vegan, vegetarian, etc.) and do our best to meet any specific allergies. We choose retreat centers that have healthy, fresh food as that is very important to us! Some meals will be buffet style while others will be plated or family style. We also offer opportunities to explore local restaurants.

Q: Will you be able to give us other suggestions for what to do while we’re there, such as other local sights, etc?

A: Absolutely, we can give you plenty of suggestions! We also work with amazing locals who would be happy to show you around. We can even jump on a call and do some pre-trip planning together.

Q: Do I need any experience prior to retreats?

A: Definitely not! Our retreats are open to everyone no matter where you are in your journey. Everyone will walk away with something new, and it may be much more than you realized. These retreats are created to be transformational and life-changing.

Q: How many participants attend the retreats?

A: The groups usually range between 20 and 35 people. Our goal is to keep things intimate to help ensure that everyone receives plenty of attention and love.

Q: Is travel insurance required?

A: Travel insurance is highly recommended as it protects your trip and provides peace of mind. All retreat payments are non-refundable so it’s important to prepare for any unexpected personal, political, environmental, weather-related or pre-existing medical condition(s) that might prevent or interrupt your trip. Thankfully, it’s uncommon that you’ll have to use your insurance, but life happens and travel insurance can protect you.

Q: I’m all signed up! What should I pack?

A: How exciting! We will send you a special packing list and additional details on how to properly prepare for the retreat, but below are some basic things to keep in mind.

What to bring:

Clothing: light-weight clothing, conservative dress, yoga clothes, swimsuit, pajama's
Accessories: sunglasses, hat, day bag
Footware: flip-flops, hiking sandals/sneakers
Self-care: sunscreen, natural insect repellent, prescription meds
Miscellaneous: notebook/journal, international adapter for electronics

What NOT to bring:
When in doubt, leave it out. Too much baggage is a burden and most things can be purchased near the retreat center or in town. Yoga mats and props are provided unless mentioned otherwise.

Q: Do I need any specific shots or vaccines to travel internationally for a retreat?

A:  Most people that come on our retreats do not choose additional vaccines but that choice is completely up to each individual and their doctor. You can see the CDC recommendations here - https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/. Please do your research and talk to your health advisor.

Q: How can I know which retreat is right for me?

A:  It is important to us that you find the perfect retreat to meet your needs. We can support you with this by hopping on a quick phone call to find out exactly what you are looking for. Please email hello@revampretreats.com to schedule a call. We love connecting with you!