Top 5 Ways to Raise Your Vibe by Meg Sylvester

Meg & Alyse share the top 5 ways to raise your vibration no matter where you’re starting from! Raise your vibe and brace yourself to manifest miracles…

1. Movement 

If you’re stuck in a funk, move your body and let the energy flow. Think about this: your mind, body and soul are totally interconnected. So if things are feeling stuck or stagnant on an emotional level, moving your physical body can encourage the release of those low-vibes. 

Movement releases endorphins and promotes happiness - and who doesn’t want more of that? Yes please! Meg & Alyse love taking walks out in nature, heading to yoga, swimming in natural spring pools, and getting down to groovy tunes. 

So remember: Feeling moody, shake ya booty!

2. Nature 

 It’s a proven fact that being around trees, soil, and water reduces cortisol levels. Why would you care about that? Because cortisol is a hormone responsible for keeping stress levels in check. When you go into fight or flight, are crazy stressed, or constantly firing on all cylinders, your cortisol rises. When cortisol levels stay chronically high, symptoms like anxiety, sleep disorders, adrenal fatigue, weight gain, and hormonal imbalances occur. So if you’re feeling stressed, engage in activity that grounds you.

Meg & Alyse’s favorite nature activities:

  • Earthing

  • Sun Baths 

  • Nature Hikes

  • Meditating near water

3. Spiritual Tools 

A spiritual tool can be anything that you are intuitively called to and that opens up your heart and soul. What works for some may not be your jam. The whole point of engaging with and using different tools is to support YOU in your unique path. Tune into your heart, what appeals to you? What are you naturally curious about? If you already have a spiritual tool box, go for the tool that is calling out to you in this moment.

Here our some of our favorite tools:

  • Crystals

  • Essential Oils

  • Oracle Cards

  • Palo Santo

  • Sound Healing

  • Journaling

  • Meditation

Check out this Soul Activation Meditation from Meg right here!:

4. Soul Talk 

 Man oh man… there’s nothing better than a good, old vent with your bestie, right? Or is there?? Venting, albeit cathartic can sometimes just lead to even more low vibes if you don’t do anything constructive with it. While we are all for letting it all out, we highly suggest pairing your vent sesh with self-reflection. Remember, every challenge is actually the Universe guiding you to transcend a belief system that is no longer serving you. Actually taking the time to dig deep into your triggers and heal those wounds is what will ultimately resolve the challenge once and for all. So please...vent away, but then ask yourself “Can I see this through the lens of love?” Ask Spirit to help you see things differently. Here are our favorite soul searching questions to ask during venting and self-reflection: 

Can I see this situation through the lens of love?

Why was I triggered?

What is the deeper story causing these low vibes?

Do I have the power to choose happiness?

What is the empowered belief I would like to step into? 

5. Vibe with your Tribe 

Gathering with a group of people who all have a collective intention around healing, love, and calling in high vibes is incredibly powerful. Numerous studies have shown that doing activities with others who have shared intention and purpose totally amplifies overall happiness and success of all participants. Working in a collaborative space with common goals fosters creativity and joy. Dig deep, hone in on what inspires you, and go find your tribe!

  • Connect with like minded people online or in real life (we love having tea dates!)

  • Attend events that spark your joy

  • Ask friends what communities they are involved in and see if any align with your desires

  • Sign up for Workshops, Retreats, Meetups, and Classes that call to your soul

Ready to vibe higher? Join Meg & Alyse on their Manifest Miracles retreat in Costa Rica May 11-16! Spots are filling up and you will NOT want to miss this one. Think: intention setting, energy healing, yoga, manifestation, dancing, vision boarding, and SO much more!

Meg and Alyse are co-founders of Spirit Love Collective, a tribe of emotionally conscious humans that wish to elevate the world with purpose, power, energy, and love.