Hey hi hello,
This is Maya from Revamp and I'm here to tell you about the wellness benefits of going on a yoga retreat!
People often decide to go on a retreat to get away, to deepen their yoga practice, or to spend time with some of their favorite teachers, but there are some added benefits that go well beyond these examples. The positives are honestly endless, but here are my top five:
FIND YOUR TRIBE- Having a community is imperative to your health and well-being. Your soul family and friends provide support on your journey to finding and living your purpose. People open up quite a bit on retreats. You have a chance to get vulnerable and connect with the deepest parts of others. This creates a solid bond that goes well beyond a week at a luxurious retreat center. We attract people into our lives that are aligned with our current level of healing... Come on a retreat, meet your people and build your tribe.
INNERCISE- We focus so much on the importance of exercise, (in the gym, yoga studio, etc.) but what about working out our minds? A lot of stuff goes on up there, and in my opinion, it’s crucial to put in the work to keep your mind fit and strong. As you work through the barriers in your mind on a retreat, you get support from your teachers and the Revamp coaches and leaders who can guide you to a place of peace within yourself.
CLEANSE- It’s really important for us to choose locations with clean, healthy food, natural products and beautiful, healing nature. So, coming on a Revamp retreat automatically gives you a chance to reset and cleanse from toxins that we’re exposed to in our everyday lives. You’ll feel clearer, more vibrant and restored.
GET OUT OF YOUR BUBBLE- It’s easy to get caught up in our own worlds with demanding jobs, relationships to tend to, never-ending to-do lists, etc. Traveling to another part of the world and immersing in a new culture gets you out of your head and into a place of wonder and excitement. It helps you realize how fortunate you are and reminds you not to sweat the small stuff.
EXPAND- When you go on a retreat, you will expand in unimaginable ways. All the benefits listed above will contribute to that expansion, but the clarity you’ll gain will propel you forward to go after your dreams, whatever they are. The possibilities are truly endless!
Of course the benefits don’t stop there, but I hope this inspires you and starts to paint a picture of the magic that takes place on a yoga retreat.
Going through this process isn’t always easy… Leveling up in your life and stepping into your power comes with great responsibility. But we’re here to support you throughout the entire process and we are deeply committed to your transformation.
At Revamp, we offer retreats and coaching programs to help you transform your life and get your mind, body and soul in tip-top shape. If you’re interested, please reach out! We look forward to serving you.
xx Maya