Do you know how tarot works and how it can help you? Read up on Kate Van Horn’s life-shifting experiences with her deck, and learn how you can strengthen your own intuition.
How are you showing up on the mat and in your life? Dive into Ava Johanna’s wisdom, to tune into the simple energy system that will make a huge difference in every area of your life!
Meg and Alyse share the top 5 ways to raise your vibration no matter where you’re starting from! Raise your vibe and brace yourself to manifest miracles…
If you too are passionate about keeping this beautiful planet we get to call home alive and thriving (while still experiencing incredible adventures throughout the globe!), read below for our top 8 tips for environmentally friendly travel.
There’s one glaring element that’s always bugged me about modern vinyasa yoga (and it’s kinda a big one). It’s kept me up at night. It goes against the fundamental idea of philosophical yoga. It clashes with the Sutras themselves…